Some exclusive places in Turin

ancora-267x180Arriving in Turin, you have to find the places which are considered the top, where you can go to enjoy a drink with friends or to have dinner with businessmen.

“L’Ancora”, for example, is a very nice place where you can taste fish, both as an aperitivo (happy hour) or food to buy. In fact, Roberta and Daniele, the young couple who runs the place, is very good in making culinary innovation.

Moreover, the quality of food, the sustainability of the fish market and the valorization of less valuable fish are the three secret ingredients of the couple.

For these reasons, if you like fish, do not miss the chance to go to this place, which is located in Piazza Solferino, very close to the center. Just keep in mind it’s closed on Sundays.

But no problem, since in that day you will be able to go somewhere else. Why not choosing the “Antica Enoteca del Borgo”?

It is a very famous wine bar in the city and it is located near the Gran Madre church, which is the center. The place features both Italian and Piedmontese prestigious wine labels, not forgetting the French ones. Moreover, the happy hour time is really appreciated, since you can enjoy it while sitting outside and looking at the church.

If you are more interested in food than in wine, then go to the delicatessen in Via Carlo Alberto, near the Porta Nuova train station.

The place takes its name from its owner, Cristina Perino, who has a great experience in making a simple cuisine cooking typical regional dishes, such as potato dumplings served with innovative seasonal recipes and homemade fresh pasta.

Both fruits and vegetables are fresh, since they come from home cultivation, so they are controlled by the owner of the shop.